Marel Stork Poultry Processing’s innovation Aeroscalder has received a EuroTier gold medal. The innovation can be seen at the upcoming EuroTier, in Hanover, Germany, 13-16 November.
The Aeroscalder bypasses the problem of cross contamination during scalding by passing mosturised hot air at high speed over poultry carcasses. It is said to make a clear contribution to environmental conservation and product safety.
Normally, scalding takes place in a number of scalding tanks connected in series in counterflow mode. To optimise the scalding process, air is pressed into the water. The disadvantage of that system is its high water and power consumption. Although it is assumed that germs are minimised as a result of the multi-stage scalding system, cross contaminations cannot be ruled out.
The Aeroscalder saves up to 75% water and up to 50% power. The Aero mixture is generated in the conditioning chamber directly next to the process chamber. The scalding conditions are monitored via sensors. The carcasses have no direct contact with each other via the water, as a result of which cross contaminations with germs can be ruled out.
Marel Stork Poultry Processing (Hall 9, F32).
Silver award-winners
Several other innovations at EuroTier, relevant for the poultry industry, received a silver medal.
The Galli-Luxmeter, by Hato Lighting, is a measuring instrument for lighting technicians and monitoring authorities. The device measures light according to the sensitivity of the fowl and thus contributes substantially to lighting the housing in line with animal welfare requirements. At low wavelengths (blue to ultra-violet light), the light sensitivity of birds is several times higher than that of humans. This is significant above all in new light sources that are now being used.
While bulbs used to give off light above all in the red to infrared range, the peak of the spectrum in the new light sources lies in the green to ultra-violet range. The setting and checking of the light intensity in the poultry-house with the aid of normal lux meters does not correspond to the vision sensitivity of the poultry. An appropriate dimensional unit is the Gallilux.
Hato Lighting, Sittard, the Netherlands (Hall 9, C18a)
Automatic Dung Belt Control
Dung belts run inconstantly when loaded unevenly. It is necessary to correct the pre-tension, as when the belts rub against the guides damage is caused that can lead to the belt tearing. In modern keeping systems (small groups, aviaries) the belts can only be repaired or replaced with considerable labour outlay. In practice it is therefore customary to adjust the belts manually via a set screw when they run inconstantly. This is frequently forgotten and damage then results. Uneven loading of the belts has generally increased in the new keeping systems for layer hens. The automatic correction procedure is definitively new and represents clear progress. The risk of damage can be distinctly reduced as a result.
Big Dutchman International, Vechta, Germany (Hall 9, C24)
Designer Proteins
This is a new approach for optimising amino acid and phosphorous supply in line with animal and performance requirements. Through selective fermentation of different feed proteins, anti-nutritive substances are degraded and phosphorous conversion is improved. Furthermore, the remaining lactic acid bacteria have a probiotic role to play. By including various algae proteins the possible combinations are expanded considerably. With these developments not only do new prospects for nutrient supplies in line with animal requirements arise, but also distinct effects on the ecobalance of animal production result.
European Protein, Baekke, Denmark (Hall 14, F53)
Anta Phyt BLT
A feed additive on the basis of phytogenic substances and carrier substances with prebiotic action has been developed with flanking scientific research. The product was subjected to an elaborate licensing procedure, and on the basis of its broad spectrum action it promises to show effects on the development of undesirable germs and hence take a key step towards reducing the use of antibiotics. It not only improves animal health, but also makes a major contribution to relieving the burden on the environment.
The product concentrates not only on use in the poultry sector, but with modifications offers a wide range of possible uses for other agricultural productive livestock too.
Dr Eckel, Niederzissen, Germany (Hall 16, D20).
Farm Power Manager
The Farm Power Manager software is a system for monitoring and steering the energy consumption of animal improvement farms and for tariff-dependent cost analyses and consumption predictions. Measured or nominal performance data of any electrical consumers/loads are provided by steering computers in the network to a central computer and can be analysed to find answers to various questions. Data exchange is supported on the basis of the ISO norm ‘IsoAgriNet’.
Big Dutchman International, Vechta, Germany (Hall 9, C24) and Big Dutchman Pig Equipment (Hall 11, D21).
Record amount of submissions
The German Agricultural Society, organiser of EuroTier, received more than 300 submissions, from 182 exhibitors across 23 countries – a show record. Around half of the entries come from exhibitors based outside of host country Germany.
DLG has appointed an independent, international jury committee, comprising industry experts from the UK, Switzerland and Germany, to evaluate all the submissions according to stringent criteria. Five gold medals and 19 silver medals will be honoured at EuroTier 2012. The gold medals will be awarded by DLG President Carl-Albrecht Bartmer on 13 November 2012 at the EuroTier evening, which is held each year to mark the start of the exhibition, and he will be presenting the silver medals in a separate ceremony on the opening day.
Other gold award-winners
Apart from the Stork Marel gold medal, others went to:
• RumiWatch System, ITIN + HOCH, Liestal, Switzerland (Hall 13, G13)
• OptiScan, Hölscher + Leuschner, Emsbüren, Germany (Hall 12, F46)
• GEA DairyProQ, GEA Farm Technologies, Bönen, Germany (Hall 27, D35)
• OptiCow, Hölscher + Leuschner, Emsbüren, Germany (Hall 12, F46)
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