Chick quality varies from chick pullout to farm placement due to procedures such as vaccination, quality control and timing of delivery.
It is vital for the farm to provide the best conditions for a fast recovery and continued chick development. Early hatching and high incubation temperatures can impair chick quality. Chicks hatching early are subject to a higher air temperature than their thermo–neutral zone of 40°C to 40.6°C, and start to dehydrate as other chicks hatch. Humidity increases as other chicks are hatching, and together the higher temperature and humidity will lead to chicks panting and losing moisture faster.
The chicks can dehydrate fast unless they are removed on time, which is why hatcheries endeavour to reduce the time the hatched chicks stay in the machine. Failure to do this will lead to many being dehydrated and overheated.
Once removed from the hatcher, the chicks should be quickly processed to remove the weak and undesirable ones so that only viable chicks go to the farms. Depending on the vaccination programme, broiler chicks may stay longer in the processing area waiting to be counted and vaccinated.
Often, due to the lack of proper chick transport trucks, especially in countries with warmer climates, most broiler chicks are transported during the evening to provide a temperature where the chicks do not pant and dehydrate. These chicks arrive at the farm late in the evening or in the early morning and can have rectal temperatures of below 40°C. These chicks end up using their reserve energy to keep warm rather than for early chick development.
Sometimes the chicks are transported overnight and arrive at the farm at mid-morning. Here rectal temperatures can be higher than 40.6°C and chick conditions could have deteriorated. Dehydration and overheating can lead to increased mortality and culls in the first week and in the last weeks before catching. The volume of chick placement can also complicate how brooding is done. Chicks could be coming from different breeder sources and different hatcheries, and with variation in chick conditions. This can result in a high variation of chick condition which makes management much more difficult.
Raul Elias Lopez, Broiler Specialist, Cobb-Asia