Norel study: Gustor N’RGY and zinc bacitracin in broilers

26-05-2015 | | |
Norel study: Gustor N’RGY and zinc bacitracin in broilers

Norel performed a study with the objective of evaluating the effect in broiler productive parameters of sodium butyrate protected with PFAD sodium salt (Gustor N’RGY), zinc bacitracin (BMD) and their combination, in a control diet without any additives.

A total of 160 Cobb one day old chickens were randomly allocated to 4 treatments: Control (T1), BMD supplemented (T2), N’RGY (T3) and BMD + N’RGY (T4). Every treatment was replicated 4 times and each one consisted of 10 chickens. Mash feeds and water were offered freely. BW, ADG, ADFI and FCR were recorded for the 0-42d fattening period. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design by GLM of SPSS v. 19.0.

Improvement in the FCR

The use of the combination of sodium butyrate protected with PFAD sodium salt (Gustor N’RGY) and BMD resulted in a statistically improvement in the FCR (1.72) when compared to the control treatment (1.89) and numerically better than BMD group (1.76) and N’RGY group (1.86). Also the ADG was numerically improved in group combination vs control, BMD and N’RGY respectively (66.3 vs 61.5, 65.7 and 61.8 g/day).

Norel concludes that the use of a combination of BMD and sodium butyrate protected with PFAD sodium salt is able to improve productive parameters in broiler chickens compared to the control treatment and numerically when compared to the antibiotic alone.

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