UK: Restrictions lifted on Suffolk AI farm

13-01-2020 | | |
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock

Restrictions have been lifted on the broiler breeder farm struck down with low-path avian influenza in the south eastern English county of Suffolk.

Low-path H5N3 was first confirmed by the UK government on 10 December, marking the first incursion of the virus on a commercial flock in Britain of poultry since the summer of 2017.

The birds were humanely culled and movement restrictions were put in place around the site.

Those restrictions have now been removed, as no evidence of avian influenza remains, according to Defra, the government ministry responsible.

It follows a series of AI scares this winter, including a suspected case in Northern and confirmed high-path avian influenza in a flock of turkeys in Poland.

Bird keepers should remain alert for any signs of disease, report suspected disease immediately and ensure they are maintaining good biosecurity on their premises.” – Christine Middlemiss, Defra chief vet

Detailed guidance for UK poultry farmers can be found at

Jake Davies Freelance Journalist