Webinar: Controlling BCO lameness without antibiotics

09-06-2017 | | |
Webinar: Controlling BCO lameness without antibiotics
Webinar: Controlling BCO lameness without antibiotics

Poultry World is proud to announce that it will air its next webinar on 28th of June, at 17 CET. Together with professor Robert Wideman and Luis Valenzuela from Biomin this webinar will focus on how to control BCO lameness without the use of antibiotics.

Bacterial chondronecrosis and osteomyelitis (BCO) lameness restricts birds’ natural movement – reducing feed and water intake – and constitutes a significant factor in morbidity and mortality. As a result, it compromises flock performance and profitability. Our experts will share the latest insights and scientific research that has demonstrated how better gut performance can support flock profitability without antibiotics, either in a conventional or antibiotic-free system.

The webinar will be hosted by Fabian Brockotter, editor for Poultry World. The webinar will be broadcast live from the Netherlands at 17.00pm Central European Time. This corresponds with: • 11.00am in Atlanta, GA; • 18.00 in Moscow, Russia; • 16.00pm in London, UK; • 22.00pm in Bangkok, Thailand; • 23.00pm in Beijing, China. Join our experts, attendance is free. Register here

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Fabian Brockötter Editor in Chief, Poultry World