Avian Influenza found at large poultry facility in Russia

06-06-2012 | |

Avian influenza has recently been identified during the study of pathological material, selected from major Russian poultry producer company, Amur broiler, the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Rosselkhoznadzor, has stated.

The virus was identified as low pathogenic avian influenza type A subtype H9. According to preliminary expert estimations the virus came from China.

“There is reason to suppose that among poultry stock in the facility [of Amur Broiler] an infectious process caused by the specified agent of bird flu is taking place. When low pathogenic virus is circulating among non-immune poultry stock, its pathogenicity could increase” stated Rosselkhoznadzor in an official statement.

Rosselkhoznadzor has said it considers it necessary to warn of a possible outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza and actions in accordance with the current regulations for the prevention and elimination of avian influenza must be enforced.

In April, an Amur broiler facility suffered mass scale mortality of poultry. About seven thousand heads of poultry died, reportedly due to mycotoxins that were found in the forage, but the Veterinary Service specialists have subsequently refuted this claim.

Source: Vladislav Vorotnikov

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