Electrolysed water technology suppresses bird flu

17-05-2006 | |

A recent study has shown that electrolysed water technology can effectively suppress avian influenza viruses.

The electrolysed water in the study was made from conventional tap water and contained only a 10mg/l concentration of free residual chlorine.

It was shown that the use of the electrolysed water (either through a disinfectant element system or disinfectant electrolysed mist system) was effective in suppressing more that 99% of airborne avian influenza viruses.

The study used proprietary electrolysed water technology from Sanyo Electric Limited, and was carried out corroboratively with Tottori University.

The electrolysed water has a low concentration of free residual chlorine compared to chlorine-based disinfectant (which contains 500-1,000mg/l free residual chlorine), so it is safer for the environment. The company is now considering commercialising the product for the Asian market, which could use the products as air purifiers on aeroplanes or trains.

Since December 2003, infection with the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in poultry and humans has been identified in many countries, especially those in Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa, and has taken more than 100 human lives.

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