India: New broiler breeding line launched

19-11-2009 | |

The India’s Marshall Breeders, a company of C & M Farming Ltd., has launched what it says is a revolutionary new broiler breeding line, Marshall UC, in the Indian market.

The breed was launched at a recent event in Hyderabad, on 2 November, by Dr. P. K. Shukla, Joint Commissioner Poultry, Ministry of Agriculture, India. He congratulated the Marshall team on their newest product in his speech, and highlighted the need for improvements in feed conversion in the poultry industry.

Chairman Elias D’Souza remarked, “This is the newest breed to be launched by the company and comes after a decade of intense R&D for feed conversion in broilers. The breed has been specially designed to be able to provide excellent feed conversion in hot and tropical conditions of India and Asia.”

The breed comes at a time when unprecedented shifts are taking place in the feed grain commodities market with emerging trends like diversion of crops like maize, traditionally the mainstay of poultry feed, into production of bio-fuel, says the company. Moreover, expected growth in the Indian poultry industry fueled by rising incomes and changing dietary habits will ensure that the demand for feed grains like maize and soybean will continue to grow in the future.

Dr U. Dasgupta, Director of Marketing for Marshall Breeders: “Marshall UC is a breakthrough in the Indian poultry industry in terms of feed conversion and overall production cost. Trials conducted under average management, nutrition and environment showed that a parent bird consumed an average of 389 g per broiler chick (0-68 weeks of age), while a commercial bird reached a body weight of 2.6 kg in 42 days with a cumulative feed consumption of 4.5 kg or an FCR of 1.7.”

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Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist