Martek awarded for DHA feed additives

05-12-2008 | |

Frost & Sullivan announced that Martek Biosciences Corporation, creator of the fast-growing life’sDHA(TM) brand of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), is the 2008 recipient of the North American Frost & Sullivan Customer Value Enhancement Award.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has best demonstrated the ability to expand its customer base, while maintaining its existing customer base, with more innovative value creation and enhancement strategies than competing vendors. This Award recognizes the company’s successful sales entry, customer acquisition and service strategies, and the degree to which those strategies have met customers’ stated needs and requirements. Such strategies are expected to significantly improve customer interaction and contribute to their satisfaction.

This award is in recognition of Martek’s long-standing, successful customer relationships and innovative marketing and branding initiatives that have helped to establish the company as a leading global provider of DHA omega-3 products.

life’sDHA is derived directly from microalgae, a renewable, sustainable source of DHA that does not deplete ocean resources and is produced entirely in the U.S. in a FDA-inspected facility.

Novus is the exclusive worldwide distributor for Martek’s DHA Gold® in all poultry and swine feed and enrichment applications.

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Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
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