Mercury and glass found in bag of chicken strips

27-08-2007 | |

Recently, an Advance Brands’ bag of Fast Fixin’ frozen chicken strips made by of Oklahoma City was apparently found to contain mercury and shards of glass.

It is reported that a family purchased the bag at the Sharp Shopper in Ephrata. After complaining about the taste, the father of two children discovered a ball of mercury in the chicken. The family then went to a hospital, but no illness was identified.
Officials in Pennsylvania notified federal authorities in case a recall is necessary. There is no confirmation yet on how the product became contaminated. The company claims that it found nothing unusual during a plant inspection, and does not use mercury thermometers or any glass instruments in the facility.
No mercury was found in the supermarket where the bag was sold. The store voluntarily removed other bags of the chicken strips from shelves.
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