Moscow prepares for VIV Russia

28-09-2009 | |
Moscow prepares for VIV Russia

VIV Russia will take place from26-28 May, again in Russian’s capital Moscow. A wide array of companies active in animal production will be on display at the show in the Crocus City Exhibition Centre. This exhibition is expected to be a major meeting point for business professionals from the CIS region.

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Livestock production is a major theme in Russia. In order to support progress in this sector, VIV organises its biannual edition of its Russian show. This “Feed-to-Meat” trade show is well on track, and it is expected that over 200 international and national companies will participate. Despite the current economic situation, the Russian meat market for poultry, pork and beef remains strong. Consumer demand in Russia leans toward fresh meat products. Market specialists report that strong business opportunities are in meat processing, logistics, storage and refrigeration.

“Production of healthy and safe food is a major issue,” says VIV Russia Project Manager Wendy Voermans. “Russia needs to satisfy the quickly increasing consumer demand for high quality meat products. This is supported by the Russian government’s new programmefor 2008-2012 called the State Programmefor Development and Regulation of Food and Agricultural Markets, which encourages the improvement of meat production and processing in terms of quality and quantity. This offers many profitable opportunities, which are backed by an investment survey that was recently carried out. This indicated that US$964 million was invested in this business as a direct result of the most recent VIV Europe edition in Moscow.”

Additional support

Since the agricultural industry in Russia is a priority of the federal government, it receives subsidies directly from thefederal budget. There is also a mechanismfor leasing agricultural equipment, and grain interventions are undertaken for price regulation. Under the current economic conditions, the Russiangovernment took a decision about extrafinancial support for the agricultural sector of the national economy as a part of anti-crisis measures aimed at backing up the agricultural sector and provided Rosselkhozbank withadditional 45 billion rubles to completethe upgrade of 360 livestock breeding complexes in Russia. Taking into consideration the needs of the Russian agro-industrial industry, most of the participants of VIV Russia will display advanced technologies and equipment for livestock and poultry farming.

Focus on meat

One of the focus areas of VIV Russia 2009 is meat processing, for which sector the trade show organisers arrange a special matchmaking programme. They will co-operate with Russian branch associations to perform targeted visitor promotion campaigns. At the exhibition, a dedicated Meat Point will be installed to arrange one-on-one meetings for supply and demand inmeat processing. This is on an individualbasis and is not a public event. There will also be a meat congress during the show that addresses issues as the impact of the economic trends on the industry. This congress, which is called “Meat Meeting Moscow 2009”, will give a general industry overview, including the impact of current economic trends. Moreover, hygiene, safety and legal matters will be covered.

Country pavilions

I.C.E. (Instituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero) from Italy organises a country presentation at VIV Russia 2009, as is the Frenchbranch organisation Ubifrance. IFWexpoHeidelberg GmbH from Germany will take care of the organisation of the national German Pavilion with official support of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germanyas well as the Association of the GermanTrade Fair Industry AUMA.

Fore further details on the VIV Russia, please visit

Where and when…

Location: Crocus City Exhibition Centre Building 3, Hall 14 & 15 Moscow, Russia

Exhibition dates: 26 – 28 May, 2009

Opening hours

26-27 May: 11.00 – 19.00 hrs

28 May: 11.00 – 17.00 hrs


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