Namibia to invest in local poultry industry

15-11-2010 | |

Namib Poultry is in the process of setting up a poultry project between Okahandja and Windhoek to produce chickens for the Namibian market.

Speaking to Namibian news agency (Nampa), Namib Poultry Industries General Manager, Gys White said the aim of the project is to make Namibia self-sufficient in the supply of chickens.
The project will commence with production in November next year. Construction is set to start next January on a farm of 3,500 hectares, situated approximately 30 kilometres north of Windhoek.

White noted that the project will be an integrated initiative, and will include a breeding stock, the supply of eggs to the hatchery, and production of chickens. “The project will produce frozen, fresh, as well as value-added products,” he said, adding that they will also export chickens to other markets, such as Angola in the near future.

Owners of the project, Namib Mills and Feedmaster have been planning the poultry project for the past nine years.

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