NL: No new report of Coryza and S. gallinarum

16-12-2009 | |

Halfway through the month of December the number Coryza outbreaks on poultry farms in the Netherlands remained 18, and the number of outbreaks of Salmonella gallinarum 10.

Most outbreaks were in the Gelderland Valley (central area). In the past two weeks, no new cases were added. The risk of new cases remains, said Dutch Animal Health Service.

The outbreaks in the Gelderland Valley have led to further intensification of cooperation between farmers and suppliers. Despite the high concentration of poultry they managed to prevent further spread of the diseases.

Measures taken

With an optimum hygiene programme and a sophisticated vaccination schedule it is possible to reduce risk of disease. Nevertheless, through circumstances, such as contacts with wild birds, diseases can occur. It is important that the neighbourhood is informed.

An infection also requires a different vision on preventive health programmes. Farmers have to set the vaccination schedule for the following flock more accurately. Together with the veterinarian and the chicken supplier the scheme must be reviewed.

Uniform vaccination schedules and vaccination methods for Salmonella (gallinarum), Coryza, erysipelas, E. coli, but also against ILT, Mycoplasma, Newcastle Disease, Smallpox and IB are desirable. Besides vaccinations, there must also be invested in monitoring the impact of vaccination.

Coryza vaccine available

Currently there is no Dutch registration for a Coryza vaccine, but the vet has the option to obtain the vaccine from another EU country. The Animal Health Service, together with veterinarians and laying hen suppliers, has lobbied for the availability of a French vaccine.

For now the purchase of a Coryza vaccine should not be a problem in the Netherlands.

Salmonella gallinarum vaccine sold out

The Dutch registered Salmonella gallinarum vaccine is currently sold out and a new supply is expected no earlier than March 2010. Conditions for a release of the vaccine is the internal quality check of the manufacturer. The previous batch has not entered the market because it did not meet quality standards.

Other Salmonella gallinarum vaccines are not registered in the Netherlands or in one of the other countries of the EU. An alternative would be to allow the controlled admission of a SG-vaccine which is registered elsewhere in the world. Currently the Animal Health Services is mediating in the release of 1 mln doses of vaccine from Brazil.

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Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist