Poultry rest day on October 25

23-10-2006 | |

Hong Kong’s Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has reminded all those involved in the poultry sector that October 25 is the next poultry rest day.

On this day, operators of market stalls and fresh provision shops selling live poultry must suspend business to perform thorough cleaning and disinfection. Poultry retailers need to adhere to the conditions applied and make certain that all live poultry remaining in their shops or stalls are slaughtered before October 25.
Shop owners and licence holders must not try to avoid slaughtering any unsold live poultry by removing them from the property before this rest day.
The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department will give a thorough inspection of poultry outlets on October 25. If stalls or shops fail to meet the terms of rest day conditions, there will be an immediate termination of market stalls or cancellation of fresh provision shop licences.
