Poultry World’s editor on the challenges of Covid-19

08-04-2020 | |
Fabian Brockötter Editor in Chief, Poultry World
Poultry World's editor on the challenges of Covid-19
Poultry World's editor on the challenges of Covid-19

With the coronavirus pandemic, we are all in uncharted waters.

From March onwards large parts of the world are effectively in lock down and postal deliveries to many countries are uncertain. Because of this fact and to prevent further spread of the virus Poultry World has decided to publish its number 3 edition as a digital magazine only. To access our unique content for free is just a click away. The magazine can be opened by registering or by logging-in with your existing Poultry World website username and password.


Digital Magazine
Poultry World Vol 36 No. 3 is now available to view online for free

Primary poultry production is still going strong and the need for knowledge is ubiquitous. One could say that people still have to eat, even when they are in quarantine at home. But that is only true to some extent. With people not travelling anymore, not allowed to go to restaurants and events, consumption in the food service industry will drop dramatically. Also, industry events and exhibitions have been cancelled or postponed, making Poultryworld.net and our digital magazine the go-to place for the latest insights and news.


Covid-19 Up-date
What impact is the pandemic having on the global poultry sector and how are they dealing with it.

The coronavirus puts us all in uncharted territory and only time will tell how big the damage will be. Poultry World will keep you updated. Don’t miss out on our digital magazine and read all about novel techniques in hatcheries, mycotoxin prevalence, nutrition and of course animal health and human health interaction.

Stay safe and healthy.


For more information
Our International Team is on hand to offer assistance and advice