Small poultry enterprise study

25-05-2007 | |

A Small-Enterprise Chicken Study for operations with 1,000 to 1,999 chickens will be conducted by the USDA’s Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) during August and July.

The information received from this Small-Enterprise Chicken Study is intended to help researchers analyse the potential spread of poultry diseases and possible response measures.
The study will:
• Describe characteristics of small-enterprise operations, including bird species on hand, seasonal inventory and marketing of free-range chickens or eggs and organic or other niche-market products.
•  Describe movements of animal, people, waste products, vehicles and equipment on and off operations and estimate the distances associated with these movements.
•  Examine biosecurity practices, including bird access to the outdoors.
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service will randomly select a sample of small-enterprise chicken operations. A questionnaire will then be mailed to the operations. Participation is voluntary and confidential.
For more information on this study, e-mail, or visit
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