Super-dosing effects of phytase in poultry and swine

27-09-2011 | |

Phytases have been used commercially since the early 1990s and have been the focus of considerable and sustained research for many decades.


Despite this heroic effort there are still areas of persistent uncertainty such as the obscurity surrounding total compared with digestible calcium, appropriate modification to dietary sodium (and other electrolyte) concentrations, the usefulness of the amino acid and energy digestibility improvements and ultimately the effect of phytase on nutrient requirement.

One further area which has attracted some attention recently is the effect of unconventionally high doses of phytase (i.e. >2,500 FTU/kg from Aspergillus niger or Escherichia coli) in attempt to ostensibly ‘de-phytinise’ the diet. The effects of such ‘super’ doses of phytase can be considerable, and often beyond that which may be reasonably expected based on improvement in P digestibility per se. This review article addresses these effects and suggests mechanisms by which they may be explained.

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Cowieson P- Wilcock And M-R- Bedford
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