US: AMI teams up with USDA to promote food guidance system

17-12-2010 | |

The American Meat Institute (AMI) announced it has entered into a partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) “Partnering with MyPyramid” program. The MyPyramid Food Guidance System is a network of nutrition education tools that puts the Dietary Guidelines for Americans into practice by providing personalized information on foods and dietary patterns.

AMI has long supported the MyPyramid system and uses its nutritional education tools and the Dietary Guidelines’ recommendation of consuming 5-7 ounces of meat per day as part of a healthy, balanced diet as a focal point in many of the Institute’s consumer education materials.  
Meat in poultry
Meat and poultry are some the most nutrient dense foods available, are excellent sources of complete protein, iron and zinc and maintain an excellent nutrition per calorie ratio.  Complete proteins provide all of the essential amino acids necessary for growth and good overall health.
“We are proud to join with USDA in this partnership,” said James H. Hodges, AMI executive vice president.  “The health of our customers is the driving force in the production of meat and poultry products, not only with respect to improving the safety of meat and poultry products, but also in offering diverse nutritional products to consumers so they can make an educated decision in choosing the food that best fits their personal lifestyle and family needs.”
Currently, AMI’s provides links to many of the MyPyramid tools as a step to encourage a healthy lifestyle, including sections about proper portion sizes, the benefits of protein in the diet and information about achieving a healthy body weight.  The site also features a “MyPyramid for Kids” section that offers parents a guide to healthier foods and physical activity choices for kids. 
Additionally, three of AMI’s consumer education videos, part of its “Ask the Meat Scientist” YouTube series, focus on what it means to be a “lean” cut of meat, proper meat and poultry portion sizes and the role of sodium in meat products. 
Hodges concluded, “AMI will utilize this partnership and continue to voice its support for the premise that a well-balanced diet, proper portion sizes and exercise are keys to overall good health.”  
For more information, and for a complete list of MyPyramid partners, click here.
Source: AMI

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Van Dijk
Zana Van Dijk Editor Dairy Global