Americans grilling poultry meat to become healthier

26-03-2008 | | |
Americans grilling poultry meat to become healthier

Americans are among other nations that are adopting a healthier way of eating. As such, a study has recently shown that grilling meat products is becoming popular.

A recent survey by Weber-Stephens Products Co.- the 19th Annual Weber GrillWatch Survey – says that 31% of Americans who own grills are grilling meat more than they were a year ago because they are “trying to eat healthier”.
Approx. 40% said they are grilling leaner meats, more vegetables (38%), more poultry (34%) and more fish (22%) than they did a year ago. Meanwhile, 6% indicated they are grilling more meat substitutes such as veggie burgers and tofu, and 5% are grilling more fruit, although women are more likely to do so than men.
To view the study in more detail, click here

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