Asia: Aviagen organises meeting for Ross 308

20-07-2009 | | |

Several of Aviagen’s Ross customers met up in Indonesia and Malaysia this week as guests from Al Watania Poultry, Saudi Arabia, one of the largest Ross customers in the Middle East region, visited Ross 308 distributors to share knowledge and build new working relations.

In Malaysia, guests saw the newest and most advanced processing plant in South East Asia, courtesy of Huat Lai, a long-time Ross 308 customer.

A visit to Ross 308 GP customer PT Cibadak was arranged for Indonesia, where the PS farms, broiler farms and hatchery were visited.

John Maguire, Sales Manager for Middle East & Africa: “We know that hands-on training and seeing best management practises in action works far better than any other method and we are greatly indebted to Huat Lai and PT Cibadak for opening up their facilities in the spirit of co-operation and international relations. Our visitors were impressed not only with the facilities they were shown but also how knowledgeable our hosts were.”

“The Ross 308 is a proven performer in all environmental conditions and this trip to Asia clearly demonstrated that the Ross 308 is the best bird for integrations as it provides excellent all-round performance, giving maximum economic returns and profits, proving the Ross 308 are clearly the breed of choice not only regionally but globally,” he added.

“Al Watania Poultry is one of the longest established Ross customers in the Middle East having supported the breed for many years. The visit was intended to show just how the Ross 308 can give exceptional perform in a array of challenging environments and also demonstrate some of the techniques needed to ensure success.”

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Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist