Bayer Animal Health launches poultry feed additive at VIV

10-03-2011 | | |

Bayer has announced the launch of a probiotic feed additive for poultry at VIV Asia 2011 in cooperation with its industry partners.

The new partner AgraQuest Inc. recently agreed to supply Bayer Baymix Grobig BS, the probiotic feed additive, for its launch in Thailand.

Baymix Grobig BS is an economically and technically viable solution to enhance poultry health and performance. This natural product is based on AgraQuest’s patented QST713 strain of Bacillus subtilis to help prevent common gut infections associated with Clostridia and Camylobacter pathogens.

Furthermore, the product Baymix Latibon Plus ME, an easy to use, highly palatable blend of organic acids, increasing digestibility and gut hygiene throughout the entire intestinal tract is now also approved for the use in shrimp. TOXISORB® Premium New, now efficiently binds six instead of previously four toxins in the gut.

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