Belarus significantly increases prices for poultry and eggs

05-01-2012 | | |

The government of Belarus has increased the price for poultry and eggs almost by 25% since January 1, 2012 in order to support national producers.


According to resolution № 202 of the Ministry of Economical Development of the country maximum prime and retail selling price for broiler chicken and eggs will be increased.

Starting the beginning of the year poultry organizations can set their own selling prices for their products – but not above the maximum limit established by the government. The resolution set uniform limits for the maximum prime prices for poultry enterprises of Belarus: 18 600 bel. rub. (US $ 2.23) per kg of broiler chickens meat, 7700 bel.. rub. (US $ 0.93) for a dozen of chicken white eggs, 8470 bel. rub. (US $ 1.02) for a dozen of chicken colored eggs.

As a result, the maximum retail prices (including the marginal trade allowances of 20% and VAT of 10%) will be: 24 550 bel. rub.(US $ 2.95) per kg of broiler meat, 10 160 (US $ 1.22) bel. rub. for a dozen of white eggs, 11 180 (US $ 1.34) bel. rub. for a dozen of colored eggs. In comparison with the level of last year these figures have increased by approximately 25%.

Belarus regulates the prices of staple foodstuffs directorial and periodically has to make adjustments to prices for livestock products. Inflationary and devaluation processes in 2011 caused excitement in the consumer market of Belarus encouraging shortages of goods and sharp rises in the price of feed. Therefore the income of many poultry farms in the country in dollar equivalent dropped almost by half.

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