Cantrell, a poultry processing equipment sales and service company based in Gainesville, Georgia, has developed a cut-up line shoulder skinner that makes deboning easier.
Cantrell’s new shoulder skinner works equally well on flex and rigid lines.
“Our new shoulder skinner[..]was developed specifically for cut-up lines, exposes the shoulder for easier deboning,” said Dane Woods, Cantrell’s general manager of Sales/Service/Engineering.
The Cantrell shoulder skinner uses the peeler roller system to remove skin from the neck and shoulder area of eviscerated birds. A newly designed frame, which provides better roller support, combined with a 2-hp drive creates a better skinning application.
The skinner is available in both right-hand and left-hand stainless steel units and for different styles of overhead conveyor systems. Cantrell has improved the pivoted-mounting bracket for better support and easier adjustment, which allows the bracket to move vertically, horizontally, and radially for a more precise skinning process.
Shields on the skinner are designed to allow access, eliminating the need to remove, store, and re-install shields during the clean-up process.
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