Cherry Valley celebrates double success

01-07-2009 | | |

Cherry Valley, the UK’s largest duck manufacturer, is celebrating after winning 2 accolades at this year’s Pig and Poultry Marketing Awards.

The company picked up the Brand Identity Award, in recognition of the Cherry Valley brand and also the company’s new Farm Fresh brand, which launched earlier this year. The Award for Innovation was presented to Cherry Valley for its unique veranda system developed to produce a higher welfare range of duck products.

The Brand Identity Award recognises brand strategies that have hit the mark in terms of overall identity and target audience communication. Cherry Valley was commended as an example of a well-targeted brand meeting customer demand, from its strong brand visuals to its innovative product solutions, a Cherry Valley press release reports.

The Award for Innovation, sponsored by Pfizer Animal Health, recognises innovation in the food chain and the contribution this has made to the business. Cherry Valley’s higher welfare system is an innovation that incorporates the use of verandas, giving the ducks access to natural daylight and purpose-built pools for bathing.

Related link:

Cherry Valley

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist