Chick Master discusses incubation and hatchery in Indonesia

22-11-2011 | | |

Chick Master, helped by its Indonesian distributor, Gemilang Poultry conducted a seminar on incubation and hatchery ventilation in Jakarta on November 15. Around 80 participants from hatchery companies attended the seminar.

In his welcoming speech, Territory Sales Manager for Southeast Asia David Buessing introduced the company profile and today’s development of Chick Master. “We find solutions for all problems and engineer variations from our standard product, the Avida line, to meet every need. We service the broiler industry, the layer industry, the specialty birds and the vaccine industry,” he informed.

In this seminar, Technical Support Manager Chip Campbell explained about management of the hatch window in single stage incubation. According to Campbell, the hatch window can provide us with the data we need to determine the optimum length of incubation.

Relating to the relationship between hatch window and chick uniformity, Campbell said that flock uniformity is known to be highly dependent on the duration of the hatch window. “A long hatch window leads to more chicks being ‘left behind’. Thus, increasing variety in the size of the day-old chicks at placement,” he explained.

Technical Support Engineer Craig Harrison gave explanation about CC3-GL, a control climate solutions and Maestro, a hatchery management system.

“CC3-GL is engineered, built, tested and commissioned at our facilities in the UK. This includes all sensors and dampers to be installed within the hatchery,” Harrison said about CC3-GL. In Indonesia, CC3-GL has been installed at PT Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia, PT Sabas Breeding Farm and PT Sierad Produce.

Harrison also revealed Maestro, a software package designed for the hatchery manager who wants to control all the processes in the hatchery and have all the information on a central point. The information covers incubation systems, ventilation controls, water chillers temperature and pressure, and electrical consumption. This information can be accessed remotely anywhere there is an internet connection.

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