Brazil shipped 3.892 million tons of chicken meat last year, a drop of 0.66% in volume compared to 2012.
The consolidated data from the Secretariat of Foreign Trade/Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil (SECEX/MDIC) relative to December 2013 indicate that global shipments of chicken meat suffered a decline with respect to volume in both the previous month as compared to December 2012.
As a result, the prospect of completing the total annual return could not be consolidated – although this was by a small margin, relative to the volume of the previous year. The year 2013 ended with shipments of 3.892 million tons, a result which meant a drop 0.66% of the total achieved in 2012.
The figures achieved in 2013 show a reduction in shipments for the second consecutive year. Therefore, shipments of 3.942 million tons in 2011 still remain the record.