Eggs banned to stop Halloween pranks

18-10-2006 | | |

Youngsters in Lincolnshire in the UK are being banned from buying eggs in the lead-up to Halloween, in the hope that egg-pelting pranks will be reduced.

Local residents have complained to police that their homes and cars are being pelted with eggs if they do not offer treats to youths going door-to-door.
Police in Lincolnshire are teaming up with shops to implement the restriction on egg-buying customers younger than 18 years of age.
“Complaints about this type of anti-social behaviour have increased over the past few years and this causes us concern,” said PC Pete MacLeod.
“This is an exciting time of year for youngsters and the police don’t want to ruin their fun, but trick or treating can cause considerable concern and throwing eggs at individuals or their property is completely unacceptable.”
The ban will be advertised by posters in stores where eggs are sold.
Throwing objects, including eggs, can lead to an assault charge and a heavy fine or jail sentence, the force warned.

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