From 8-10 June, Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via exhibition centre will host the livestock industry event Expoaviga Forum with the participation of leading companies and the fullest programme of side events organised in Europe.
Expoaviga is transforming the show’s traditional format to adapt it to the requests of a constantly evolving sector, which demands new models that guarantee a higher degree of cost-effectiveness.
This new format, which has been renamed Expoaviga Forum, will boost its scientific programme and have two differentiated exhibition areas: one for companies exhibiting equipment for farms, which need large spaces to showcase their products, and another with modular stands for firms participating in the side events. The creation of this specific area has never been done before in the history of the show and has been well received by veterinary laboratories and genetics companies, which have seen an efficient and cost-effective participation formula in this model.
Highlights in the scientific programme, which are aimed at technical personnel, are the seminar organised by the Federación Española de Empresarios Productores de Leche (PROLEC), the 24th Congress of the Grupo de Especialistas en Mamitis y Calidad de Leche (G-TEMCAL) and the 47th Scientific Poultry Farming Seminar, organised by the Asociación Española de Ciencia Avícola (AECA) and the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA), the sessions organised by the Asociación Española de Cunicultura (ASESCU), the Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC) and the Asociación Nacional de Porcinocultura Científica (ANAPORC).
Other associations, such as the Asociación Profesional para la Avicultura Alternativa (AviAlter), the Asociación Española de Productores de Vacuno de Carne (ASOPROVAC), the Consorcio para la Gestión de la Fertilización Agraria (GESFER) and the Consorcio para la Gestión de Residuos Orgánicos (GIRO) of the Catalan Generalitat and the Asociación Catalana de Fabricantes de Piensos (ASFAC) are in the final stages of putting together their sessions aimed at producers and breeders.