Five large poultry complexes planned in Kazakhstan

29-03-2012 | | |
Five large poultry complexes planned in Kazakhstan

Israeli company, MAD Corporation, plans to build five large poultry farms worth 16 billion tenge (US $ 108 mln) in North Kazakhstan, under a new innovation project.

The new project, which will focus on the construction of broiler breeders’ lines and plants for the production of premixes, will allow the country to significantly reduce the volume of poultry imports. “For example, the annual demand for chicken meat in Kazakhstan is estimated at more than 200 thousands tonnes, 100 thousands tonnes of which we import,” said the representatives of the regional authorities.

“There is no breeding material in the country, and imports are of a poor quality. Taking into account the fact we don’t have any high-quality vaccines for dangerous diseases there’s a lot  of concerns about the security of the poultry production industry. Thus, we have a real need for  such projects.”

It is assumed that the project will be implemented in three stages, over a course of four years. To construct the modern poultry houses, feed mills and pedigree, fives sites were selected in the  Akkayynskom and Kyzylzharskom areas of the Northern Kazakhstan district.

The amount of poultry meat that will be produced in the new complexes has not yet been revealed, but according to preliminary expert estimates, this figure can vary from 50,000-70,000 tonnes, which would largely cover the needs of the whole of Kazakhstan in poultry meat.

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