Grimaud confirms Pekin duck GP agreement in South Korea

24-05-2011 | | |
Grimaud confirms Pekin duck GP agreement in South Korea

Grimaud Freres Selection has agreed to set up a Grand-Parent STAR Pekin duck unit in South-Korea with the Korea Duck Association.

Grimaud Freres Selection, a company of the Groupe Grimaud, specialised in duck genetic selection, has achieved a strong position with its STAR Pekin duck breed in Asia. Over the past five years Grimaud Freres Selection developed a major market share in South Korea.

Grimaud Freres Selection has committed itself in bringing the most advanced genetics to South Korea and confirms with this Grand Parent Stock agreement its strategy to establish a base in South Korea and to contribute to the development of one of the most dynamic Duck meat market in Asia.

For The Korea Duck Association, this farm will be able to serve a part of the domestic breeder duck market needs and to always have access to the best performance of the STAR Duck genetics in the coming years, as well as to ensure the best economical success with their local duck meat production.

The Korea Duck Association expects to produce in the near future 2/3 of the parent stock locally and 1/3 will be imported.

Source: Grimaud Freres Selection
