Hungarian poultry integrators tour Norfolk farm

17-05-2012 | | |
Hungarian poultry integrators tour Norfolk farm

Aviagen Kft, Aviagen’s Hungarian business unit, recently arranged a visit for one of the biggest and leading poultry integrators in Eastern Europe, Baromfi-Coop Kft.

Laszó Bárany Jr, managing director of Master Good, Péter  Bárány, managing director and Zsolt Hankovszky, head of the Broiler Division of Baromfi Coop, accompanied by Róbert Roszkopf from Aviagen Kft, visited  Uphouse Farm in Norfolk where they were welcomed by owner Nigel Joice, UK NFU Farmer’s Weekly Poultry Farmer of the Year 2011, and Lindsay Broadbent from Aviagen’s UK customer support team. 

A tour of the state-of-the art broiler facility, housing two Ross 308 broiler flocks, gave visitors an insight into the complete process, ranging from chick placement to catching, emphasising the importance of animal welfare and biosecurity throughout.

Nigel Joice talked about the excellent results of the Ross 308 broiler, in particular the low feed consumption and the high EPEF index.The visitors from Hungary and Nigel enjoyed the exchange of experiences and practises. A highlight of the trip was the on-farm energy centre which supplies green energy to heat the houses using hot water by burning woodchips. 

The programme concluded with a with a visit to  Banham Poultry’s  chicken processing plant, where the Processing and Sales Director gave an informative and interesting guided tour.

The visit was successful and beneficial for both companies. As László Bárány summarised:

‘We would like to thank Aviagen for organising this worthwhile visit.

‘It was very interesting and it gave us a lot of food for thought. Visiting other poultry companies, growers and processors, sharing experiences and exchanging information is always positive and helps all of us.’

Source: Aviagen

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