Millions of dollars are being invested by Hy-Line International in a 4-year project that consists of research farms and a new hatchery.
The initial phases that were completed within the past two years included a complete remodel and upgrade of the Dr. James Arthur Research and Development Farm and construction of a state-of-the-art hatchery dedicated exclusively to pedigree and grandparent stock.
Hy-Line’s focus remains on product quality, which explains the advanced building technologies and biosecurity enhancements on the new farms. For example, in the newly constructed Research & Development pullet farm for pure line and research birds, heated floors have been installed allowing for uniform heating throughout the house and optimal growing conditions.
A new research layer farm, currently under construction, will use the latest environmental control technologies including full panel walls as well as superior ventilation and filtration systems that have proven very successful at the new pullet farm. The additional research farm will complement the Genomic Selection Program, improving the accuracy in the selection process.
Hy-Line International’s director of research and development Dr Neil O’Sullivan explains, “Hy-Line continues to heavily invest in the facilities to allow for evaluation of extended cycles up to 90 weeks of age. This intensifies selection on persistency of egg production, egg quality in the later stages in lay and livability.”
The final part of the expansion project is focused on increased grandparent and parent stock production capacity to ensure continuous and reliable supply for Hy-Line’s growing customer demand. Hy-Line International’s president Jonathan Cade adds, “Overall, the goal is to facilitate an efficient implementation of the delivery of our products from selection to customer’s farms.” In order to facilitate this ongoing growth and ensure security of supply, Hy-Line has taken ownership of grandparent facilities in the UK and is also building new farms in the US.