Innovax vaccines available in more countries

07-02-2011 | | |

During a seminar at the International Poultry Expo, last month in Atlanta, GA, USA, Intervet Schering-Plough announced that their “Innovax” recombinant vaccine will be available for the world market from now on.

However, this doesn’t automatically mean that it is approved by the authorities everywhere, but in a number of countries like in the Middle East, it will be available.

Two years ago, Intervet Schering Plough launched Innovax, a vaccine that is applied in ovo or to day-old chicks, in the Americas. There are two versions: Innovax ND-SB which protects against Newcastle and Marek’s Disease, and Innovax ILT which protects against ILT and Marek’s Disease. Due to local legislation, the vaccine is currently known as “Fusion” in Mexico, and in Colombia it can only be sold under the brand name “Innofusion”.

During a seminar at IPE, customers from Latin America shared their experiences with the use of this vaccine under commercial conditions, with other producers from the Americas. In his presentation, Dr. Germán Galvis, President of Grupo San Marino de Colombia, told the audience that they have good experiences with Innovax. They can now offer added value to their customers by offering fully protected chicks for their entire productive lifecycle. For them this is an advantage from a competitive point of view.

This coming March, at the upcoming VIV Asia tradeshow in Bangkok, Thailand, Intervet Schering-Plough will introduce Innovax to the Asian continent. 

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