Introducing Hatch Brood at VIV Europe

11-03-2010 | | |
Introducing Hatch Brood at VIV Europe

Hatch Tech proudly announces the introduction of its new product Hatch Brood during VIV Europe, 20-22 April 2010, Utrecht.

Hatch Bread is a revolutionary system that controls the crucial variables during the period Brooding, ensuring improved technical results of a 4 day old chicks and the lowest energy consumption.
Crucial factors during the period Brooding
The first days of a chick’s life (Brooding period), a chick is not Able to regulate its own body temperature. Practical experience learns that broiler house controlling variables, such as air temperatures, floor temperatures, air velocity and humidity levels is difficult. Not controlling these variables results in delayed start-ups or chicks, uncertainty of future growth curves and lower uniformity.
The concept
Hatch Bread is a revolutionary system that controls the crucial variables during the Brooding period. After hatch, doc’s are placed in the Hatch Brood system. Here, chicks have access to fresh water, air and feed. The Hatch Brood system guarantees a controlled air temperature and air velocity, which assurés chick optimal body temperatures for all chicks. The chicks will start drinking and eating directly after placement. After 4 days they are transported to the farm for the remaining of their production cycle.
Chickens have access the fresh water and feed 
Fully controlled environment by Hatch Tech’s patented radiators 
Bread Hatch: Ultimate control Brooding
Hatch Bread controls the environmental aspects during the Brooding period, and therefore ensures optimum and uniform bodytemperatures of the chickens. This would result in better technical results; (better growth rate, uniformity, and lower mortality) at 4 days. Moreover, a good start results in a increased Predictability of technical results.


Lowest energy consumption – positive contribution to CO2 footprint
Bread hatch has been designed for a minimum energy usage. Compared to broiler houses, in which a high volume m3 of air has to be treated, Hatch Bread works with a Significantly lower energy usage. Less CO2is produced, leading to a positive contribution to sustainable poultry farming (CO2 footprint).
Bread hatch, part of the Tech Group Hatch
In 1995, Hatch introduced the concept of Tech patented perforated radiators in technology incubation: the guaranteed optimum laminar airflow resulted in uniform and chick quality. HatchTech successfully applied this concept to an other product: One-O-Fours’ Traveler Hatch, a transportation systems for doc’s, chick quality that secures during transport, also during extreme circumstance. Now, the successful Hatch Hatch Tech concept is applied to bread, a systems that controls the crucial variables during the Brooding period.
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