Kazakhstan produced 105 thousand tonnes of poultry meat and 2.8 million eggs in 2011, the head of Kazakhstan’s Union of Poultry Breeders Ruslan Sharipov reported.
These figures mean that the industry reached self-sufficiency in the production of eggs for the first time in the history of independent Kazakhstan. According to official statistics, in 2011 there was even a surplus of products, since the overall demand for Kazakhstan is estimated at 2.65 million eggs per year.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the country, “In the past two years a significant amount of money has been invested, with many modern poultry farms being built, and now we see that the government subsidies completely earn its keep since the import volume of poultry for the last three years dropped by almost 22%”
An indication of self-sufficiency in poultry meat production has been about 50%. The state also plans to substantially increase investments in the poultry industry in 2012. The investments should result in Kazakhstan achieving self-sufficiency for poultry in 2013, not 2016 as was previously stated by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture.