Not enough eggs for Olympic athletes

29-07-2024 | |
The Olympic Village has 6 different catering areas where 15,000 athletes from all over the world will consume some 13 million meals during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Photo: Canva
The Olympic Village has 6 different catering areas where 15,000 athletes from all over the world will consume some 13 million meals during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Photo: Canva

Althetes in the Olympic Village in Paris, France, are complaining about a massive shortage of eggs, which, for many of them, form an essential part of their diet.

Catering partner Sodexo confirmed a very high demand for certain products, especially eggs, and has promised that volumes will be increased to satisfy the needs of the athletes.

The Olympic Village has 6 different catering areas where 15,000 athletes from all over the world will consume some 13 million meals during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. All eggs as well as the meat, milk and other products will be from France, with at least a quarter of all the food coming from within a 250 km radius from Paris and over 20% being organic.

But soon after the arrival of the first athletes, it was clear that the supply of eggs was insufficient to serve their appetite. In the days just before the start of the Olympic games, eggs had to be rationed at breakfast while some participants still didn’t get any.

“It was requested to revise upwards the quantities initially planned, which the group will be able to satisfy,” confirmed a spokesman for the French Carrefour supermarket group, which is in charge of supplying fresh products to the Olympic Village.

Apart from the eggs, athletes also complained about the quality and quantities of other food in the restaurants. The main restaurant, which can seat 3,300 people, definitely didn’t reach the Michelin star level that was promised by the organisers, many said.

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Ruud Peys International journalist
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