Russia substantially increased its share of low nutritious compound feed in the poultry industry in 2011, according to the analytical agency Soya news.
According to market analysis by the end of 2011 35% of the compound feed in poultry industry was low nutritious, while in 2010 this figure was only 23%. According to experts, this trend is due to price rises for raw materials for animal feed for laying hens and broilers.
Producers consider low nutritious compound feed as the best opportunity to solve this problem. Balanced compound feed with low levels of nutrients with increase of its consumption volume could provide just the same level of egg production and weight gain as a compound feed of normal sustenance. Reducing nutrient level in feed leads to a decrease in its prices and increase conversion.
However, the first point is working much faster than the second, so the costs are ultimately declining. The usage of such feed will allow the producer to decrease the cost of production process by 15-20%. In terms of quantity more feed is need, but even so this method of feeding makes poultry production more profitable.
Low nutritious compound feed in 2010 was used mainly by small and medium-sized producers, but last year the purchase was carried out also by many large poultry farms, which is currently also seeking the ways to optimise the production process in tightening market conditions.