Aitas-MP opened a new poultry meat processing plant in Ust-Kamengorsk, Kazakhstan, the Kazakh Agriculture Ministry reported, according to local media Kaz Inform.
This step has taken in the context of implementing of the programme of long-term poultry processing development in Kazakhstan until 2020.
About 1.779 billion tenge (US$11.3 mln) was invested in the plant construction, including 608.8 million tenge (US$3.9 mln) of the own funds of Aitas Company, and 1,170.2 million tenge (US$7.4 mln) borrowed from commercial banks.
The plant’s design capacity hit 12,000 tons per year. According to the press-release the plant will produce over 150 different kinds of meat-processed products.
Kazakh enterprises processed 264,000 tons of meat in 2012 which is 24% higher over the level of 2011. However, Kazakhstan is still experiencing a serious lack of processing capacities which hampers the development of poultry production industry in the country.
Due of this, 29.7 billion tenge (US$189 mln) will be allocated to meat processing development in Kazakhstan by 2020, According to the programme for long-term poultry processing development adopted by the Agriculture Ministry of the country.
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