Novus supports modern poultry complex in Chad

22-08-2012 | | |
Novus supports modern poultry complex in Chad

Novus International has recently announced its support of a modern poultry production complex in Chad. The complex, named “Project Koundoul”, will serve as a model for other countries.

The project started in October 2010, when Novus President and CEO, Thad Simons, met with the Prime Minister of Chad during an agribusiness conference in Uganda. The Chad government attended a presentation of the Program of Family Poultry (PAF – Programa de Avicultura Familiar) in Alagoas, a joint project by Globoaves and Novus. The prime minister expressed interest in having Globoaves and Novus as partners with their government on a food security national program. Novus and Mr. Simons collaborated with Novus Africa to work with Globoaves in support of the program.

“Besides bringing poultry production to an industrial level in Africa, the idea is to build a complete poultry ecosystem from industrial to small scale, and from genetics to farm and to fork,” commented Bayella Thiam. “We expect to bring this model to sub-Saharan countries that are looking to develop agribusiness, especially chicken and egg business.”

Project Koundoul will be completed over a 24-month process, beginning 4th quarter 2012 through the end of 2014.

Related websites:
Novus International

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