An NFU survey has revealed that the British poultry sector overall reported the highest short term confidence for all sectors and mid-term confidence is also one of the highest.
Those with a meat focus are slightly more confident in both the short and medium term than those with an egg focus. However, confidence in the egg sector is still higher than some of the other sectors. The level of confidence for both sectors and both periods has changed little since 2013
NFU Economist Anand Dossa said: “It is good to see that there is such confidence in the poultry industry which is equal across both the meat and egg sectors.
“The short term confidence is certainly being helped by the lower feed and fuel prices being experienced in the second half of this year.”
86% of the respondents in the meat sector reported that profits are either increasing or being maintained. Similarly for eggs, equal proportion reported that profits are either increasing or being maintained.
Egg producers overall will be increasing investment over the next three years, mainly in bird numbers and energy efficiency primarily but also in machinery to some extent. Investments in diversification and buildings will be lower over the next three years compared to the last three. The level of investment in skills and training will be the equivalent to that of the previous three years.
The meat sector is most likely to be increasing investment over the next three years, in skills and training, buildings and energy efficiency when compared to the last three years.
Helen Hunt, NFU Poultry Adviser said “It is good to see the poultry industry recognises the need to encourage the next generation and retain them through skills and training.”