Chore-Time introduces the new Advanti-Flow nipple drinker for turkey poults. The discs attract poults to the drinkers and direct water as birds drink.
Additionally, dual catch cups under the discs help maximise water consumption while helping to keep floors dry, says Chore-Time.
Pockets in the drinker’s discs hold attractive beads of water. The discs’ pockets and scalloped edge work together to control the direction of the water flow. The discs also provide leverage for easier triggering of the nipple drinker by young birds during brood.
The drinker’s dual catch cups feature a rounded edge for bird comfort and a shallow depth to help prevent build-up. Catch cups snap in place without the use of tools or hardware. Growers can easily remove the cups and shut off nipples to ease bird movement next to brood rings.
The drinker can accommodate 10 to 16 birds per nipple and can be used for birds up to 6 weeks of age. There’s a choice of 6, 8, 10 or 12 nipples per 3-meter drinker section. If desired, hose couplers can be adapted to the saddles to add supplemental drinkers.