Michaelmas goose will be served this year at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, England – a sign of the revival of this tradition gaining momentum.
On Sunday September 29, which is Michaelmas Day in most of the UK, the goose will be served at a dinner hosted by the British Poultry Council for a cross-section of MPs and MEPs including Defra Secretary of State Owen Paterson.
The dinner will highlight the contribution that poultry makes to the UK, with roast goose ably demonstrating the role that artisan producers play in feeding the nation.
According to tradition, when rents were due at Michaelmas tenant farmers would often present their landlord with a goose which became associated with guarding against financial woes. Folklore declares: ‘Eat a goose on Michaelmas Day, not want for money all year long.’
More restaurants are starting to see the potential for putting goose on the menu at Michaelmas. “As traditional, seasonal food gains popularity, Michaelmas provides a wonderful opportunity to put goose on the menu at the start of the autumn when they become available for the first time in the year,” said John Franklin, chairman of British Goose Producers, a BPC sector group.
“The goose is a truly seasonal bird and with the new ways of serving the meat developed at catering schools like the City College at Norwich the bird offers such a wide range of opportunities for modern chefs.”