Vitrition, part of Kiotech International, which operates the longest established dedicated organic feed mill in the UK, has made a significant investment in a new cooler and crumbler at its Boroughbridge facility.
The new cooler, will continue to support the mill’s excellent biosecurity record, and has been introduced in order to increase capacity and keep pace with the busier mill. The new crumbler will enable Vitrition to offer customers a “crumbed” product for starter feeds to table birds and turkeys. It will also be used to provide layer feeds in crumble form as an alternative to mash or pellets, supporting feed intake in difficult flocks.
“We fully recognise the importance of ensuring young birds are supported with adequate nutrition to meet their growth requirements,” said Vitrition’s Claire Holton. “The high nutrient density organic ration we supply will have better uptake in a crumb form which will ensure the key nutrients are provided to the growing bird, thus optimal FCR and weight out of the brooder are maximised. “
Vitrition has been in organic feeds since 1968 and has a product range designed to cater for all classes of livestock. It also offers custom mixes to meet individual farm requirements. The company is accredited through both the Soil Association and Organic Farmers and Growers and offers full technical support including a dedicated organic nutritionist.