Themes such as the prudent use of antimicrobials on the farms and Avian Influenza control are the main topics of the programme.
The antimicrobial topic and the options available in the market have attracted companies interested in presenting their solutions in the panel “Intestinal Health and Antimicrobial Resistance in Swine and Poultry Breeding”, which takes place within the programme of the 21stedition of the Technical – Scientific Seminar of Poultry and Swine at AveSui – Fair of the Latin American Industry of Poultry and Swine.
The panel, to be held on April 26, 2023, in Medianeira (PR) coordinated by the general head of Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Everton Krabbe, brings an innovative format and already has the participation of the companies Adisseo, Alltech, Anpario, Kemin, MCassab, Perstorp, Phytobiotics, Polinutri and Trouw Nutrition. “We are working to make the session interesting and dynamic where, in addition to the presentations from important researchers, we will also have a space where companies can present – in a pitch of up to 5 minutes – their alternative technologies to conventional antimicrobials and interact with the public in a round table,” says the general manager of Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Everton Krabbe.
The panel will discuss themes such as “meat production and the prudent use of antimicrobials in animal diets”, Plan PAN-BR Agro and the “Use of phages in the prevention of antimicrobial resistance”. We invite everyone to participate in this important moment of updating knowledge of the poultry and swine production chains,” says Krabbe.
Sanitary control in poultry and swine farms is the main pillar for the good performance of all commercial breeding stages. Thinking about this, AveSui brings to its congress participants, topics about the African Swine Fever (ASF), Salmonella, Avian Influenza (H5N1), prevention and its implications on the poultry and swine productive chains.
The coordination of the health panel is overseen by the federal agricultural inspector – head of the special programmes division of the animal health department of MAPA, Mr Diego Menezes de Brito and is part of the themes of the 21st Scientific Technical Seminar of Poultry and Swine, the topics will be covered on the 25th April.
Check out the programme below.
Coordinators – Dr Everton Luís Krabbe and Dr Rodrigo da Silveira Nicoloso
9 AM – Meat production and prudent use of antimicrobial – Dr Jalusa Kich – Researcher from Embrapa Swine and Poultry
9:20 AM – Bacteriophages as an alternative for the control of pathogenic intestinal bacteria – Dr Clarissa Vaz – Researcher from Embrapa Swine and Poultry
9:40 AM – Pan-BR Agro Plan – Mr Diego Menezes de Brito – Federal Tax Auditor MAPA
11 AM – Technological Round – Pitch with the companies
Coordinator – Mr Diego Menezes de Brito
9 AM – “Salmonellosis Control in Poultry Production” – MSc. Eva Hunka – Technical Services Phibro
9:45 AM – New Technologies to reduce contamination in poultry slaughter – Mr Ricardo Pivatto – Sales Manager Meyn Food Processing Technology
11 AM – “Importance of the Hygienisation Process in Biosecurity Programs in Poultry Production” – Mrs Noel Fenske – Higex
11:45 AM – Avian Influenza – Prof. Dr Masaio Mizuno Ishizuka
12:30 PM – African Swine Fever – Mr Dalvan Veit – Technical Manager Zoetis
See the technical programme of the event and register via this link.
AveSui, the Fair of the Latin American Poultry and Swine Industry, reaches its 22nd edition in 2023, bringing innovation, technology and trends of the sectors and will be held on April 25, 26 and 27 in Medianeira, Paraná, at LAR Centro de Eventos, gathering the whole productive chain of poultry and swine together with the Biomass and Bioenergy Fair. Besides the trade fair, the public can also count on the 21st International Seminar of Poultry and Swine, 7th Brazilian Congress of Precision Animal Science, 7th Edition of the Biggest and Best Cooperatives of Poultry and Swine Award.
AveSui, the Fair of the Latin American Poultry and Swine Industry, reaches its 22nd edition in 2023, bringing innovation, technology and trends of the sectors and will be held on April 25, 26 and 27 in Medianeira, Paraná, at LAR Centro de Eventos, gathering the whole productive chain of poultry and swine together with the Biomass and Bioenergy Fair. Besides the trade fair, the public can also count on the 21st International Seminar of Poultry and Swine, 7th Brazilian Congress of Precision Animal Science, 7th Edition of the Biggest and Best Cooperatives of Poultry and Swine Award.
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