Poultry World will host a webinar on ”Avian Influenza Summit’‘ on November 28th at 13.00 CET. Don’t miss out on our valuable content and register for this free webinar now.
KEMIN BIOLOGICS is thrilled to partner with you as we engage for global discussions and deliver trusted technologies to counteract disease challenges threatening animal production worldwide. Join our upcoming Avian Influenza Summit where global experts will discuss integrated risk management against emerging highly pathogenic strains compromising welfare and profitability in your operation.
- Risk factors & epidemiological updates
- Effective Governmental policies
- Integrated Risk management – role of vaccines
- DIVA strategies
- Best practices

Prof. Dr. Timm Harder
Friedrich Loeffler Institut | Germany
Dr. Timm Harder is among the global authorities in the field of Avian Influenza virology, surveillance and control in food animal production. Dr. Harder currently performs as head of the National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Germany. The lab is also a member of reference laboratory networks of the WOAH and the FAO. He is invited professor at the Institute of Infection Medicine, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany.
As WOAH Reference Expert for Highly pathogenic avian influenza and low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Dr. Harder is frequently invited to global forums to enable shared learnings and discuss best practices around Avian Influenza control.

Dr. David Swayne
Birdflu Veterinarian LLC | United States
Dr. David E. Swayne is a veterinarian with specialization as a Veterinary Pathologist and Poultry Veterinarian. For the past 36 years, his personal research has focused on control of avian influenza. He serves in leadership roles at the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and OFFLU, the WOAH and Food and Agriculture Organization network of animal influenza experts. Previously, he served for 28 1/2 years as the Laboratory Director of the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory of the USDA in Athens, Georgia, USA and for 7 years as a tenured faculty member at The Ohio State University. He is currently a private veterinarian consulting on avian influenza control.

Dr. Abdul Rahman Omar
Universiti Putra Malaysia | Malaysia
Professor Abdul Rahman is Doctor of Philosophy (1997) from Cornell University, New York, USA and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1991) from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. During the course of his career his field of expertise has been focusing on Immunology of emerging viral pathogens and Molecular Virology. His current research areas include: i) Development of vaccines and diagnostics against poultry viruses; ii) Immunogenomics of poultry viruses, and iii) Bio-surveillance of novel RNA viruses in different avian species. Professor Abdul Rahman is a well-recognized author of multiple book chapters and co-author of more than 260 publications in scientific journals.

Dr. Magdy El-Kady
Beni-Suef University | Egypt
Dr. Magdy El-Kady currently performs as president of the Egyptian Veterinary Poultry association and Head of Poultry Diseases Department, at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in Beni-Suef University, Egypt. Dr. El-Kady has also served as Dean of the faculty of Vet. Medicine in the same University. During the course of his career, Dr. El-Kady has built expertise in management of Poultry Diseases, with particular focus on viral respiratory pathogens, such as Infectious Bronchitis virus and Avian Influenza subtypes H5 and H9. Founder and directorate of MPCO and poultry disease management consultant projects in MENA region, Dr. Magdy is often invited speaker in international poultry conferences across the Middle East.

Dr. Maarten De Gussem
VETWORKS Consultancy | Belgium
Dr. Maarten De Gussem was graduated as a DVM from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University in 2000 and completed a thesis on IBD virus at the University of Arkansas, USA. Since 2000, he has been working in the field at Degudap practice in BENELUX and France dealing with poultry meat and egg operations. In 2001, Maarten joined Janssen Animal Health as Global Poultry Technical Manager. In 2009, Vetworks was founded by Maarten, servicing the poultry industry with a global team of specialists providing support on poultry health topics. Besides his work at Vetworks, Maarten is academic adviser at Ghent University, a member of various scientific committees and author of “Broiler Signals”, a leading broiler management book available in 12 languages.

Fabian Brockotter
Host and editor Poultry World