Poultry is the most consumed meat protein worldwide. And there are several reasons for its dominance. The chicken meat price is among the lowest, it has relatively high nutritional values compared to meat such as beef & pork and has a much smaller carbon footprint than most animals.
But how can you improve the sensorial quality of your final product and save money at the same time?

Join us in having a look at the challenges along the poultry injection process and how ingredients such as phosphates and hydrocolloids in the brine solution influence the products properties in yield, taste and texture. Register now to discover more on what values you can achieve by optimizing your injection process and ingredients.


María Castaño
Regional Marketing Manager EMEA, Budenheim

María Castaño is passionate about marketing. Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Alicante and with a master’s in Marketing and Market Research from the University of Valencia. She began her career at Budenheim in 2017, progressing through different positions within the marketing department. Currently, she is the Regional Marketing Manager for EMEA in both Savory Solutions and Baking clusters, focusing on strategically expanding in this region and continuing learning from the market and customers.

Antonio Villarreal
Lead Innovation and Application Development Manager, Budenheim

Antonio Villarreal Lozano is a Food Industries Engineer graduated from the Monterrey Technological Institute of Superior Studies (ITESM). He has been working in the meat industry for close to two decades, in companies related to processed chicken, pork, beef, sausages and cooked emulsions, in different roles from Quality Assurance and Research & Development. In 2012 he incorporated to Budenheim México as Technical Support Manager for Central and South America for the area of Meat, Baking and Dairy where he collaborated with his expertise from the Technical Center in Monterrey, México. He later took the position of Business Development Manager for the same region, and since 2019, he has been Lead Innovation and Application Development Manager for Budenheim Campana Ibérica, in Valencia, Spain. This location is the main Budenheim Technical Support and Research & Development Hub for the Savory Solutions sector at a global level.

Sergio Márquez Sancho
Innovation & Application Development Manager, Budenheim

Sergio graduated in Technical Agricultural Engineering specialized in the Food Industry. During the last 9 years, he has been developing his professional career in Budenheim & La Campana as an Innovation & Application Development Manager in meat applications. He strives with commitment and passion towards his work.

Fabian Brockotter
Host and editor Poultry World

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