Climate change and the feed sector centre stage at GFSS event

08-02-2022 | |
Nick Major, Corporate Affairs Director for ForFarmers and Chair of Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI)
Nick Major, Corporate Affairs Director for ForFarmers and Chair of Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI)

Misset International, publisher of Poultry World, All About Feed, Pig Progress and Dairy Global, spoke to Corporate Affairs Director for ForFarmers and Chair of Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI), Nick Major, who will be discussing climate change and the feed sector at the upcoming Global Feed Safety Summit taking place in Berlin from 6-8 April 2022.

ForFarmers is an animal feed company operating in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland and the UK, while GFLI is an independent animal nutrition and food industry institute with the purpose of developing a publicly available Animal Nutrition Life Cycle Analysis database to support meaningful environmental assessment of animal nutrition products and stimulate continuous improvement of the environmental performance in the animal nutrition and food industry.

Why is the upcoming Feed Safety Summit so relevant?

The feed and food system has undergone its most significant challenge for generations. The industry rose to the challenge and ensured that a health crisis was not made even worse by a food crisis. We should be very proud of that and what a great time for us all to get back together again to discuss the challenges and opportunities the sector faces. I am really looking forward to it.

“The feed sector has both the obligation and the means to help the livestock sector transition to a low carbon economy.”

What will you be speaking about at the event?

My focus at the event will be on climate change and the feed sector. Feed represents 45% of the carbon footprint of livestock products. Over 90% of the carbon footprint of 1 tonne of feed delivered to a farm comes from the feed materials we use. So, the feed sector has both the obligation and the means to help the livestock sector transition to a low carbon economy. I will set out various industry initiatives that have been established to support our customers with this transition.

What are your thoughts on the future on feed safety now and in the years to come?

Whilst my focus will be on climate change and sustainability, our first duty is to ensure feed and therefore food safety. We are part of a supply chain that puts food on people’s plates.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist