Alchemy introduces animal welfare training library for the poultry industry

09-09-2010 | |

Alchemy has announced the release of a new multilingual course library for use with the innovative SISTEM training and compliance management platform. The new library has been developed to educate employees at poultry companies on animal welfare guidelines and best practices while providing secure, electronic documentation of training results.

Implementing these courses will help companies ensure the humane treatment of animals raised for food according to the expectations of both the industry and consumers.

The SISTEM courses were developed in cooperation with the National Chicken Council (NCC) and are aligned with the NCC’s Animal Welfare Guidelines for Broilers, which recommends that hatchery, growout, livehaul and processing operations all have “a documented training program in animal welfare.” NCC guidelines further suggest that the “training program [be] conducted annually for all employees involved in handling live animals (multilingual if necessary).” In developing the courses, Alchemy also worked in cooperation with several of their industry-leading poultry processing customers.

“We are pleased to see leading suppliers such as Alchemy provide products and services that support our animal welfare guidelines,” said Richard Lobb, Communications Director at the National Chicken Council. “Alchemy’s SISTEM platform is an excellent basis for animal welfare training in the broiler industry.”

Included in SISTEM’s Animal Welfare for Poultry library are courses entitled Introduction to Hatchery Operations; Proper Catching and Handling Methods; Humane Euthanizing Practices for Poultry; Poultry Welfare during Transportation and Receiving; and Humane Practices for Live Bird Processing. This library compliments the other SISTEM course libraries including Food Safety, Workplace Safety, Operations, Human Resources and Job Success.

Related website
• Alchemy 

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