Australia’s Department for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research has awarded Australian Poultry CRC 7.5 years funding for a second Poultry Cooperative Research Centres (CRC).
This is excellent news for Australia’s poultry industry and the scientific community working in poultry-related R&D, says Poultry CRC. It is also good news for our nation’s food security, with the CRC now able to continue its commitment to helping the industry produce more from less, sustainably.
The focus will now turn to finalising the governance and managment structure of the next CRC, including the appointment of an interim Governing Board, interim Science Committee and interim End User Advisory Committee.
Calls will also go out for Preliminary Research Proposals before the end of this quarter, so Full Research Proposals can be approved by October or early November. It is anticipated that the new CRC will commence operations on January 1, 2010.
The current CRC’s activities will be wound up over the next few months, with a focus on delivering research outcomes to industry and continuing our education and training activities in the school, university and VET sectors.