Aviagen China School success has grown out of the overwhelming popularity and long term success of the original Arbor Acres School which grew to become the Aviagen School, held every year in the US. With popularity of this event soaring over its 47 year history and a place in the Aviagen School difficult to secure, Aviagen China decided to start a school to support its own customers.
Now in its 5th year, the Aviagen China School has grown to host over 50 customer managers from 11 leading companies in 2011. “The original idea was to communicate with our customers and update them and ourselves on many aspects of the industry,” commented Han Feng, Vice President, Aviagen China. “Recognising the importance of continuing to build relationships, we decided to try to overcome the limited number of places in the US based Aviagen School, make it easier to attend, remove any visa and travel issues along with the chance to have all proceedings in the Chinese language.”
At the China School this year 17 different presentation topics were covered including Yasuyuki Tanaka, Technical Service Manager, Nippon Chunky Co Ltd, speaking on ‘How a technical team works in Japan’. The second day focused on data analysis and introduced some problem solving exercises, followed by customer service and bio-security. Wednesday was a half day engaged in technology, ventilation and vaccination. Thursday described respiratory disease issues, the company technical information and support literature, causes of early and late mortality and basic nutrition. The final day on Friday was dedicated to infertility, nutrition and its implication on the bird’s physical quality. The final presentation was on water quality.
The 2011 school was designed to attract and support people with sales and technical service responsibilities in the customer companies. With the earlier schools being dedicated more to production people, the Asian team felt it was a great opportunity to align with these important functions, give them a more in-depth understanding of what goes into the products that they support and also get to know them and their businesses better.
Source: Aviagen